A Fishy Report: Charleston, SC 02-08-19

02-08-2019 Charleston, SC by Lawson Builder


Here in Charleston, SC the Winter weather can be more like an angsty teenager than anything else. High and low swings ranging from a mild mid-70º to below 40º which is pretty darn cold with the windchill and humidity! This Winter hasn't been particularly cold, but it has been windy and rainy. We finally got a week of good weather which meant fishing for many of us!


Darrell shot me a text Thursday afternoon looking to fish. After checking the weather and seeing mid-70º and calm winds, I had to oblige. We hopped on the water Friday around 2PM, about two hours before low. Remley's Point was, as expected on a nice day, filled to the brim with people that had no clue how to run a boat. (Quick gripe: if you're going to get on the water, that's great! But, PLEASE, learn to back your boat down the ramp before taking it to one of the busiest ramps in the area.) We were in the water and on our way to the first spot quickly. Darrell had just bought a new Hardy Zepherus 7wt so it was time to break it in!

Photo by Lawson Builder

The water was slick calm when we started out, with a mostly cloud-free sky. Unfortunately, the water just doesn't seem to want to stay very clear in most areas. We had about 8 inches of visibility down. We stayed shallow and after about ten minutes of polling, we popped up on a medium sized school. A . handful of casts to the group and we were hooked up! A short fight later, we brought the first fish on Darrell's new rod to the skiff. While it wasn't a monster, it was a perfect sized fish for the 7wt. 

Photo by Darrell Connelly


The wind picked up at this point, so we decided to make a move down the Wando and find a more protected flat. The next edge we hit was a bust as the wind switched on us and left it windblown and dirty. We head further down the river and stopped on an edge against a tree line. We slow polled the edge and stopped at a small oyster-filled edge where we knew some fish normally held. After about a minute of waiting we saw the school boil up 50 yards down the bank and head in our direction. A few casts at the school later, we had another hook up that ran straight to the deep end and came unbuttoned. 


Photo by Lawson Builder
After a few more failed attempts at getting the stubborn school to eat, we decided it was time to head on back. Overall, the warmer weather seemed to pan out well for the fishing. The bait fishing was on fire, but the schools seemed to be a tad more stubborn. We'll see ya out there! 

Photo by Lawson Builder

Find Lawson & Darrell on Instagram below:

Lawson - @lawsonbuilder

Darrell - @theconnellys

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1 comment

  • Great sounding fishing for Redfish on the fly ! I need to get out in My local St. Augustine marsh area’s .I like your fishing reports . Thank you !

    Christopher Angel

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